The Spell of Islamophobia
(too old to reply)
2008-03-16 09:07:58 UTC
In a Washingtonpost.com article, "The Spell
I spoke about how Muslim history and
theology support religious pluralism.
Yes? This may help explain why it is that
Islamic cultures (all of which started out
from pluralistic non-Islamic civilizations)
are everywhere today a monolithic Islamic
mind-control culture where even the mere
expression of a possible change of religion
is instantly punished by death (and where
children are encouraged to murder their
parents, brothers, and sisters ... and it is
demanded of parents they murder their
children if they stray from Islamic law).

Today only a few Christian souls remain of
what was an Egypt which was once all Christian.
The last few surviving Christians are even now
leaving Iran and Iraq. In the East, where Islam
has but only recently taken over countries like
Indonesia, Thailand, and the like... and in Africa
the old civilizations there are in abeyance and
steady retreat under the unrelenting violence
and intimidation of Islam--so too there soon you
will see nothing but the soulless mind-control
slavery you see everywhere in the Islamic world.


Look into the history of the Islamic Plague
which has devastated a third of humanity.
The answer is in history, not in articles by
Muslim propagandists like Eboo Patel & others.

VISIT THOU http://islamisbad.com

You can begin from there, and Google your way
to the truth, maybe even before it's too late.

S D Rodrian

All religions are local.
Only science is universal.


Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Islam, the Multicultural Cemetery --
An Open Letter to an Educated Liberal
by Alexander Maistrovoy 09 Jul, 2007

"And for the first time, with a sudden shiver,
came the clear knowledge of what the meat
I had seen in the Underworld might be. These
careless Eloi were mere fatted cattle, which
the ant-like Morlocks preserved and preyed
upon." "The Time Machine" of H G Wells

My dear brainy friend!

The communist slogan in the former Soviet
Union was: "We say Lenin, we mean the Party,
we say the Party, we mean Lenin". For you it
could sound like this: "We say multiculturalism,
we mean Islam, we say Islam, we mean
multiculturalism". The Muslim world is the last
and sole barrier on the way to your dream
about cultural pluralistic society. "Even a
Spaniard can be French.* An Arab cannot
be." In despair you are ready to fasten on a
kaffiyeh on yourself and a yashmak on your
wife in order to drag a Muslim into your Cloud

* "To be French today means not only to be
ethnically French, but also Italian, Vietnamese,
Chinese, Jew, Arab, Spanish..." (F. Mitterrand)

It's your fixed idea, your choice. I will only
remind you, my starry-eyed friend, what the
role of a "true believer" is in the multicultural
society, whether he comes there invited or
uninvited. For hundreds of years the Middle
East was the embodiment of the real
multicultural ideal, the thesaurus of spiritual
and philosophical knowledge. Antique mystery
religions and Zoroastrism; the Ebonites and
the first Christian sects; Gnosticism and
Kabbalistic teachings; the Neoplatonics and
the Manichees, the Arians and the Nestorians"
all of them had co-existed in harmony. They
conveyed their ideas and views of the world
from one to another in this gigantic melting-pot
of human spirit. Whether you know about it or
not, it was from this fathomless source, that
European philosophy, theology and learning
got strength which paved the way to freedom
and liberal values.

One of the first acts of triumphant Islam was
the burning of the famous Alexandrine library.*
But it was only the beginning, because at that
time Islam was relatively tolerant and noble.
And what is more, it joined this melting-pot
(so, my dear friend, don't blame me of jaundice).
Islam showed the world the mysticism of Sufis
with their poetry of Life and extenuation of
material benefits, expressed in Druze religion.
Much later, the most humanistic religion of
the present times (the Baha¡ Faith) arose
from Islam. It also gave birth to Ahmadiyya
movement, which believed in the improvement
of the world through love. Unfortunately,
obsession and obscurantism intensified. First,
Sunni in Saudi Arabia found themselves under
the dogmatic and obscure Wahhabite rule,
then Salafies and Muslim brothers appeared.
Formerly latent Utopias in Shi'a Islam turned
into paranoia before our eyes.

* This "library" was burnt and re-built several
times: It was reportedly first burnt down by or
at the time of Caesar (48 BC). Rebuilt by Marc
Anthony, it may have been destroyed in the
Emperor Aurelian's sack of the city (270-275).
In 391, Christian Emperor Theodosius I ordered
the destruction of pagan temples, and as the
"library" was such, it was destroyed by bishop
Theophilus of Alexandria. Finally, a Muslim army
led by Amr ibn al Aas sacked the city in 642 AD.
Infamously, the general asked the Caliph Umar
what to do with the library, and received the
legendary reply, "If what is written in them (the
library books) agrees with the Koran, they are
not required; and if they disagree, they are not
desired. Therefore: Destroy them all." True or
not, this legendary principium has pretty much
encapsulated the Islamic attitude towards all
aspects of humanity not considered by the Islamic
holy texts across the length & breadth of Islamic
history... and explains the dearth of progress/
backwardness/ignorance which has gripped the
Muslims for well over a thousand years now. SDR

Even in the time of medieval inquisition in
Europe fresh ideas existed. There were different
philosophic schools: from Albert the Great to
Thomas Aquinas to Meister Eckhart to Roger
Bacon. There was Italian Proto-Renaissance
with Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Pisano and Giotto.
There was craving for freedom, personified in
the Katars, Waldenses, Czech Hussites, and
Lollards. And now tell me, my clever friend,
what kinds of philosophic, spiritual schools do
you know in the modern Islamic world?
Enlighten me, I will be happy! There are few
courageous people, who denounce dogmatic
Wahhabites, like Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi
and Dr. Taufik Hamid from Egypt. But they
are social outcasts of the Muslim world and
they live beyond the bounds of it.

Let me ask you: what has remained from the
multicultural world of the Middle East? Do the
Zoroastrians and Baha¡s stay in Iran, their
homeland? It will be easer to find them in a
cemetery in that country, than living. Those
who could escape flew to India and the West.
Had the Sufis remained in Saudi Arabia? No,
they were annihilated by the regime as the
enemies of "true Islam". Can you find a
branch of Ahmadiyya movement at least in
one of the countries of the Middle East?

You can do it only in one place: so hated
by you Israel (although I make no question
of you being a Jew), the "state-of-racism-
apartheid-and-coercion". Their centre is in
Haifa. So is the famous Baha¡ sanctuary.
The Sufis are free in Israel, and the Druzes
are enjoying full civic rights in Israel.

Not long ago the Arabian East was a palette
of ancient and unique Christian sects. Waves
of Islamic fanaticism swept away all of them.
The Christians of Iraq and the West Bank
escaped to the USA and Canada. Copts left
Egypt. It may happen to the Maronites in
Lebanon: the country is on the verge of the
"Green revolt". Iraqi Gnostics-Mandaeans
are exposed to genocide and on the verge
of annihilation. Not mentioning about Darfur.
And you don't see it! Because the Mandaeans
are not the beloved Palestinians, who claim
for your special attention! In 20-30 years
the Middle East will turn into a multicultural
cemetery with an oasis in the form of Israel.
If only you, my brainy friend, will not do
your best to help the desert to swallow up
this oasis. But you will, I have no doubts.

One more step, and instead of the cradle of
humanity only a scorched desert of hatred
will be left here. And this desert will spread
to the North and South, to the East and West.
It will enter the open doors of your house;
devour you and your family, your clubs ...
cafes, libraries, theaters, and galleries. You
have got used to freedom; you don't know
what the world without freedom is. I know
it because I have grown up in communist
Moscow. But I also know the Middle East.
And believe me, in comparison to the new
Caliphate the Soviet empire of the 60ies and
70ies would seem a paradise. The new rulers
of the world will not only shut your mouth,
but turn your soul inside out.

I pity you. Though, sorry. Not any longer.

Alexander Maistrovoy [is a journalist of
Russian-language newspaper "Novosty
Nedely" in Israel. He writes about political
& religious issues.]

"Multiculturalism has come to be understood as
something for immigrants, something devoid of
interest for citizens in general or for their country."
and "If the most pampered, the best and the
brightest, of European Islam are turning against
European culture and democracy, then multicultural
policies as they have been carried out for a
generation are at a dead end." Therefore, because
of the above and many other reasons ...
"multiculturalism is not working." THE WEST'S
LAST CHANCE by Tony Blankley p. 87,92,93,189.


Muslims Nations: Defame Islam, Get Sued?
A.P. Mar 14, 6:26 PM (ET) By R. Callimachi

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) - The Muslim world has
created a battle plan to defend its religion from
political cartoonists and bigots. Concerned about
what they see as a rise in the defamation of Islam,
leaders of the world's Muslim nations are
considering taking legal action against those that
slight their religion or its sacred symbols. It was
a key issue during a two-day summit that ended
Friday in this western Africa capital. The Muslim
leaders are attempting to demand redress from
nations like Denmark, which allowed the publication
of cartoons portraying the Prophet Muhammad in
2006 and again last month, to the fury of the
Muslim world. Though the legal measures being
considered have not been spelled out, the idea pits
many Muslims against principles of freedom of
speech enshrined in the constitutions of numerous
Western governments. "I don't think freedom of
expression should mean freedom from blasphemy,"
said Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade, the
chairman of the 57-member Organization of the
Islamic Conference. "There can be no freedom
without limits."

Delegates were given a voluminous report by the
OIC that recorded anti-Islamic speech and actions
from around the world. The report concludes that
Islam is under attack and that a defense must be
mounted. "Muslims are being targeted by a campaign
of defamation, denigration, stereotyping, intolerance
and discrimination," charged Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu,
the secretary general of the group. The report urges
the creation of a "legal instrument" to crack down
on defamation of Islam. Some delegates point to laws
in Europe criminalizing the denial of the Holocaust
and other anti-Semitic rhetoric. They also point to
articles within various U.N. charters that condemn
discrimination based on religion and argue that these
should be ramped up.

The International Humanist and Ethical Union in
Geneva released a statement accusing the Islamic
states of attempting to limit freedom of expression
and of attempting to misuse the U.N. Human Rights
Watch said in a statement that objectionable
depictions of the Prophet Muhammad do not "give
them the right under international human rights
law to insist that others abide by their views."

To protect the faith, Muslim nations have created
an "observatory" that meets regularly to monitor
Islamophobia. It examines lectures and workshops
taking place around the world and prints a monthly
record of offensive content.

"America has a deep respect for the religion of Islam,"
Cumber told The Associated Press. "The freedom of
faith that we exercise, that we enjoy in America,
that is also a very important aspect of the American
core values. Anyone who wants to practice any faith
is never stopped or discouraged."

I wonder how long that's going to last after
Sharia becomes America's law-of-the-land?
The answer is contained in the pages of history.
I advise you to start reading up. SDR


2008-03-19 07:14:10 UTC
Post by s***@sdrodrian.com
In a Washingtonpost.com article, "The Spell
I spoke about how Muslim history and
theology support religious pluralism.
Yes? This may help explain why it is that
Islamic cultures (all of which started out
from pluralistic non-Islamic civilizations)
are everywhere today a monolithic Islamic
mind-control culture where even the mere
expression of a possible change of religion
is instantly punished by death (and where
children are encouraged to murder their
parents, brothers, and sisters ... and it is
demanded of parents they murder their
children if they stray from Islamic law).
Today only a few Christian souls remain of
what was an Egypt which was once all Christian.
The last few surviving Christians are even now
leaving Iran and Iraq. In the East, where Islam
has but only recently taken over countries like
Indonesia, Thailand, and the like... and in Africa
the old civilizations there are in abeyance and
steady retreat under the unrelenting violence
and intimidation of Islam--so too there soon you
will see nothing but the soulless mind-control
slavery you see everywhere in the Islamic world.
Look into the history of the Islamic Plague
which has devastated a third of humanity.
The answer is in history, not in articles by
Muslim propagandists like Eboo Patel & others.
VISIT THOUhttp://islamisbad.com
You can begin from there, and Google your way
to the truth, maybe even before it's too late.
S D Rodrianhttp://poems.sdrodrian.comhttp://thesolutionisthis.comhttp://mp3.sdrodrian.com
All religions are local.
Only science is universal.
Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims
Islam, the Multicultural Cemetery --
An Open Letter to an Educated Liberal
by Alexander Maistrovoy 09 Jul, 2007
"And for the first time, with a sudden shiver,
came the clear knowledge of what the meat
I had seen in the Underworld might be. These
careless Eloi were mere fatted cattle, which
the ant-like Morlocks preserved and preyed
upon." "The Time Machine" of H G Wells
My dear brainy friend!
The communist slogan in the former Soviet
Union was: "We say Lenin, we mean the Party,
we say the Party, we mean Lenin". For you it
could sound like this: "We say multiculturalism,
we mean Islam, we say Islam, we mean
multiculturalism". The Muslim world is the last
and sole barrier on the way to your dream
about cultural pluralistic society. "Even a
Spaniard can be French.* An Arab cannot
be." In despair you are ready to fasten on a
kaffiyeh on yourself and a yashmak on your
wife in order to drag a Muslim into your Cloud
* "To be French today means not only to be
ethnically French, but also Italian, Vietnamese,
Chinese, Jew, Arab, Spanish..." (F. Mitterrand)
It's your fixed idea, your choice. I will only
remind you, my starry-eyed friend, what the
role of a "true believer" is in the multicultural
society, whether he comes there invited or
uninvited. For hundreds of years the Middle
East was the embodiment of the real
multicultural ideal, the thesaurus of spiritual
and philosophical knowledge. Antique mystery
religions and Zoroastrism; the Ebonites and
the first Christian sects; Gnosticism and
Kabbalistic teachings; the Neoplatonics and
the Manichees, the Arians and the Nestorians"
all of them had co-existed in harmony. They
conveyed their ideas and views of the world
from one to another in this gigantic melting-pot
of human spirit. Whether you know about it or
not, it was from this fathomless source, that
European philosophy, theology and learning
got strength which paved the way to freedom
and liberal values.
One of the first acts of triumphant Islam was
the burning of the famous Alexandrine library.*
But it was only the beginning, because at that
time Islam was relatively tolerant and noble.
And what is more, it joined this melting-pot
(so, my dear friend, don't blame me of jaundice).
Islam showed the world the mysticism of Sufis
with their poetry of Life and extenuation of
material benefits, expressed in Druze religion.
Much later, the most humanistic religion of
the present times (the Baha¡ Faith) arose
from Islam. It also gave birth to Ahmadiyya
movement, which believed in the improvement
of the world through love. Unfortunately,
obsession and obscurantism intensified. First,
Sunni in Saudi Arabia found themselves under
the dogmatic and obscure Wahhabite rule,
then Salafies and Muslim brothers appeared.
Formerly latent Utopias in Shi'a Islam turned
into paranoia before our eyes.
* This "library" was burnt and re-built several
times: It was reportedly first burnt down by or
at the time of Caesar (48 BC). Rebuilt by Marc
Anthony, it may have been destroyed in the
Emperor Aurelian's sack of the city (270-275).
In 391, Christian Emperor Theodosius I ordered
the destruction of pagan temples, and as the
"library" was such, it was destroyed by bishop
Theophilus of Alexandria. Finally, a Muslim army
led by Amr ibn al Aas sacked the city in 642 AD.
Infamously, the general asked the Caliph Umar
what to do with the library, and received the
legendary reply, "If what is written in them (the
library books) agrees with the Koran, they are
not required; and if they disagree, they are not
desired. Therefore: Destroy them all." True or
not, this legendary principium has pretty much
encapsulated the Islamic attitude towards all
aspects of humanity not considered by the Islamic
holy texts across the length & breadth of Islamic
history... and explains the dearth of progress/
backwardness/ignorance which has gripped the
Muslims for well over a thousand years now. SDR
Even in the time of medieval inquisition in
Europe fresh ideas existed. There were different
philosophic schools: from Albert the Great to
Thomas Aquinas to Meister Eckhart to Roger
Bacon. There was Italian Proto-Renaissance
with Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Pisano and Giotto.
There was craving for freedom, personified in
the Katars, Waldenses, Czech Hussites, and
Lollards. And now tell me, my clever friend,
what kinds of philosophic, spiritual schools do
you know in the modern Islamic world?
Enlighten me, I will be happy! There are few
courageous people, who denounce dogmatic
Wahhabites, like Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi
and Dr. Taufik Hamid from Egypt. But they
are social outcasts of the Muslim world and
they live beyond the bounds of it.
Let me ask you: what has remained from the
multicultural world of the Middle East? Do the
Zoroastrians and Baha¡s stay in Iran, their
homeland? It will be easer to find them in a
cemetery in that country, than living. Those
who could escape flew to India and the West.
Had the Sufis remained in Saudi Arabia? No,
they were annihilated by the regime as the
enemies of "true Islam". Can you find a
branch of Ahmadiyya movement at least in
one of the countries of the Middle East?
You can do it only in one place: so hated
by you Israel (although I make no question
of you being a Jew), the "state-of-racism-
apartheid-and-coercion". Their centre is in
Haifa. So is the famous Baha¡ sanctuary.
The Sufis are free in Israel, and the Druzes
are enjoying full civic rights in Israel.
Not long ago the Arabian East was a palette
of ancient and unique Christian sects. Waves
of Islamic fanaticism swept away all of them.
The Christians of Iraq and the West Bank
escaped to the USA and Canada. Copts left
Egypt. It may happen to the Maronites in
Lebanon: the country is on the verge of the
"Green revolt". Iraqi Gnostics-Mandaeans
are exposed to genocide and on the verge
of annihilation. Not mentioning about Darfur.
And you don't see it! Because the Mandaeans
are not the beloved Palestinians, who claim
for your special attention! In 20-30 years
the Middle East will turn into a multicultural
cemetery with an oasis in the form of Israel.
If only you, my brainy friend, will not do
your best to help the desert to swallow up
this oasis. But you will, I have no doubts.
One more step, and instead of the cradle of
humanity only a scorched desert of hatred
will be left here. And this desert will spread
to the North and South, to the East and West.
It will enter the open doors of your house;
devour you and your family, your clubs ...
cafes, libraries, theaters, and galleries. You
have got used to freedom; you don't know
what the world without freedom is. I know
it because I have grown up in communist
Moscow. But I also know the Middle East.
And believe me, in comparison to the new
Caliphate the Soviet empire of the 60ies and
70ies would seem a paradise. The new rulers
of the world will not only shut your mouth,
but turn your soul inside out.
I pity you. Though, sorry. Not any longer.
Alexander Maistrovoy [is a journalist of
Russian-language newspaper "Novosty
Nedely" in Israel. He writes about political
& religious issues.]
"Multiculturalism has come to be understood as
something for immigrants, something devoid of
interest for citizens in general or for their country."
and "If the most pampered, the best and the
brightest, of European Islam are turning against
European culture and democracy, then multicultural
policies as they have been carried out for a
generation are at a dead end." Therefore, because
of the above and many other reasons ...
"multiculturalism is not working." THE WEST'S
LAST CHANCE by Tony Blankley p. 87,92,93,189.
Muslims Nations: Defame Islam, Get Sued?
A.P. Mar 14, 6:26 PM (ET) By R. Callimachi
DAKAR, Senegal (AP) - The Muslim world has
created a battle plan to defend its religion from
political cartoonists and bigots. Concerned about
what they see as a rise in the defamation of Islam,
leaders of the world's Muslim nations are
considering taking legal action against those that
slight their religion or its sacred symbols. It was
a key issue during a two-day summit that ended
Friday in this western Africa capital. The Muslim
leaders are attempting to demand redress from
nations like Denmark, which allowed the publication
of cartoons portraying the Prophet Muhammad in
2006 and again last month, to the fury of the
Muslim world. Though the legal measures being
considered have not been spelled out, the idea pits
many Muslims against principles of freedom of
speech enshrined in the constitutions of numerous
Western governments. "I don't think freedom of
expression should mean freedom from blasphemy,"
said Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade, the
chairman of the 57-member Organization of the
Islamic Conference. "There can be no freedom
without limits."
Delegates were given a voluminous report by the
OIC that recorded anti-Islamic speech and actions
from around the world. The report concludes that
Islam is under attack and that a defense must be
mounted. "Muslims are being targeted by a campaign
of defamation, denigration, stereotyping, intolerance
and discrimination," charged Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu,
the secretary general of the group. The report urges
the creation of a "legal instrument" to crack down
on defamation of Islam. Some delegates point to laws
in Europe criminalizing the denial of the Holocaust
and other anti-Semitic rhetoric. They also point to
articles within various U.N. charters that condemn
discrimination based on religion and argue that these
should be ramped up.
The International Humanist and Ethical Union in
Geneva released a statement accusing the Islamic
states of attempting to limit freedom of expression
and of attempting to misuse the U.N. Human Rights
Watch said in a statement that objectionable
depictions of the Prophet Muhammad do not "give
them the right under international human rights
law to insist that others abide by their views."
To protect the faith, Muslim nations have created
an "observatory" that meets regularly to monitor
Islamophobia. It examines lectures and workshops
taking place around the world and prints a monthly
record of offensive content.
"America has a deep respect for the religion of Islam,"
Cumber told The Associated Press. "The freedom of
faith that we exercise, that we enjoy in America,
that is also a very important aspect of the American
core values. Anyone who wants to practice any faith
is never stopped or discouraged."
I wonder how long that's going to last after
Sharia becomes America's law-of-the-land?
The answer is contained in the pages of history.
I advise you to start reading up. SDR
You might also find the website www.jihadwatch.org of interest. They
share many of your concerns, fears, and anxieties.

Let's hope reason, science, and enlightenment values can prevail over
religious bigotry, fanaticism, and Islamic fascism.
