Y the gov. "approves" a school
(too old to reply)
Mr. K
2012-06-07 17:29:46 UTC
They want to make sure yo children aren't learning anything that might
upset the apple cart.
The real danger to the future of humanity is the preference
for surrendering to fear, superstition, and faith
in absolutist belief systems, and so to submit to these
willingly and to the control of those demagogues who
make use of these, rather than preferring
to reason with one's own mind.
wakey, wakey!
Now you know why the government schools don't teach critical thinking,
reasoning or economic awareness.
Karma, What a concept!
2012-08-31 00:25:52 UTC
Post by Mr. K
They want to make sure yo children aren't learning anything that might
upset the apple cart.
The real danger to the future of humanity is the preference
for surrendering to fear, superstition, and faith
in absolutist belief systems, and so to submit to these
willingly and to the control of those demagogues who
make use of these, rather than preferring
to reason with one's own mind.
wakey, wakey!
Now you know why the government schools don't teach critical thinking,
reasoning or economic awareness.
This is for people who hate school and would rather
be somewhere else. These young people often actually love to learn - the
problem is that few subjects offered at school are interesting to them,
or the way in which it is presented is just horribly boring. for more;
http://www.school-survival.net/articles/ -
http://www.school-survival.net/alternatives.php - Alternatives to school
(homeschooling, unschooling, etc.)
http://learninfreedom.org/Nobel_hates_school.html - More Nobel Prize
winners who hated school
Karma ; what a concept!